
What is Spiritualism to You?





At Guiding Star Church we believe in God, we say the Lord’s Prayer at every service, we sing spiritualist and traditional hymns and we provide hands-on healings and mediumship (messages from guides, teachers, loved ones who have passed into spirit and Master guides) during the services.

God is a very important part of our church service and our personal beliefs. We say the Lord’s Prayer to reaffirm our connection and dependence on God as a community. As we sing the hymns and songs that are chosen each week, we join together to praise God and create a ‘joyful noise unto heaven’.

Through the practice of mediumship at our church services we know that there are many people, in spirit, who would like to bring comfort to their loved ones and are able to do this by connecting with the mediums at church during the mediumship portion of our services each week.


Spiritualism is a religion that has as its main issues: 1 – a belief in God, 2 – there is an afterlife, 3 – those in the physical body can communicate with those who have passed on into the spirit realm, 4 – church services are held to bring together like-minded individuals to take advantage of the mediumship and healing sessions and to listen to the guest speakers as they share words of inspiration, wisdom and love.

Philosophy of Spiritualism – Spiritualism is a way of life, a living personal philosophy, helping to provide an understanding of each persons growth and progression through life’s experiences. It typifies the golden rule – treat others as you would have them treat you.

Spiritualism is a science by virtue of systematic study of the experiments that support real and rational conclusions through the evidence of research in areas such as Mediumship, Spiritual Healing and Psychic abilities.



Join us to experience our church on-line through ZOOM from 2pm to 3:30. To receive the link for the services please email gscevents@hotmail.ca.

For more information contact us at:  905-297-2530; E-mail – gscevents@hotmail.ca or visit our website at www.guidingstarchurch.com


November 2024